Thursday, August 28, 2008

Purpose of Blog-site

Welcome all Master students in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Graduate School at Göteborgs School of Business, Economics and Law. This Blog-site was created for both students in first year (graduating 2010) and in second year (graduating 2009) to communicate.

Regarding selling books, I suggest that students Y2 (graduating 2009) would post messages with name, phonenumber or e-mail, name of books they have available and what course it goes with. Or students Y1(graduating 2010) post a message with name, e-mail, phonenumber and what books they are looking for.

Then everyone is free to post questions and discussions of anything you feel needs to be expressed.

Hope this blog-site will be lively. I will try to look at it and answer questions when I have a chance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, just checking if this works. Hildur :)